
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Won't you be my neighbor...

Today in 1967 was the premiere of Mister Roger's Neighborhood! Kid's television wouldn't be here as we know it today if it weren't for Fred Rogers and his passion for educating children. Linda Urban had this awesome link on her blog and it affected me so deeply I thought I would share it with you all. It is of Fred Rogers testifying about the importance of children's programming. I can't watch it without crying. He was an amazing man.


Steph said...

I used to love Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood when I was a little kid. It came on right after Sesame Street, which I didn't like as much. Trolley and the land of make believe were two of the coolest things ever.

By the way, I found your blog on and since you're obviously into writing, I wanted to let you know about a new e-zine that me and a few writer friends are putting together.

It's called The Oddville Press.

You should check us out if you're interested--or better yet, submit something!

Thanks a bunch and enjoy your weekend! :)

Beth Navarro said...

Cool website. I'll submit to you guys for sure. Thanks for reading!