
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The long lost art of letter writing

Emails, texting, instant messages, facebook... Sure, they all carry the same components as letters: words to communicate a message. But they are far from the same. And something I miss. My grandfather passed away this past spring and was a master letter writer. I read through his letters I've saved and they are much more than any text or email I've ever received. They are rich in language, wisdom, beautiful quotes and, best of all, love. In looking through my grandpa's things I found first and seconds drafts of letters, which reinforced the importance of them to me. They weren't just half hearted thoughts jotted down. They were thoroughly thought out. There is something in putting the pen to page and writing a letter. An art now lost or losing ground rapidly anyway.

So, the next time you want to touch base with someone and shoot them an email, surprise them and write a long letter.


Old-Fashioned Girl said...

Thank you for writing this! I, too, am a tireless advocate on behalf of letter writing. Check out my Web site, which is an ode to the art of putting pen to paper. Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear your grandfather passed. You have such a wonderful family. How neat that he left letters for you to find...and lessons for you to learn after he was gone.